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Garage cleaning: from chaos to order in 10 steps

Kent u dat gevoel? U opent de garagedeur en wordt overweldigd door een berg spullen die u “ooit nog eens nodig zou kunnen hebben”. Frustratie slaat toe als u door die rommel moet waden om iets te vinden. Wij van ZSM Woningontruiming begrijpen dat maar … Read more

Cleaning out a shed: make space and create order

Do you also have a shed that is overflowing with stuff? Don't know where to start cleaning up? No problem! We at ZSM Woningontruiming are happy to help you on your way. In this guide we will take you step by step through the shed cleaning process. … Read more

What constitutes a broom-clean home?

Are you about to transfer your rental home or owner-occupied home? Then you have probably already come across the term 'clean delivery'. But what exactly does that mean? And how do you approach that? Don't worry, we at ZSM Woningontruiming will take you through... Read more

Selling parental home before death

Dear reader, we at ZSM Woningontruiming understand that selling a parental home can be an emotional and complex challenge. Whether you're considering selling the house before your parents' death or soon after, this guide will help you through the process. … Read more

Embezzlement buyer; how exactly do they work

Enlisting the services of a household contents buyer can provide an efficient solution when you want to sell your household contents quickly and without worry. Whether it is the need for house clearance after a move, death or simply the desire to de-clutter, a professional buyer of ... Read more