When we clear a house, this can have various reasons. Think of an eviction, nuisance or, for example, a death. In most cases, it concerns clearing a house after a death. When a loved one dies, many things often have to be arranged. In addition to arranging the funeral and processing the loss, it may also be necessary to clear the deceased's home. Clearing a house after a death can be an emotionally and physically demanding task. Fortunately, ZSM House Clearance to take on this task. In this article, we will discuss why it is wise to hire our skilled men, what the costs are and how the process of house clearance works.
The importance of a professional evacuation company
Clearing a home after the death of a loved one is a sensitive matter. Surviving relatives often want this to be done discreetly and respectfully. A professional evacuation company such as ZSM Woningontruiming understands this and we ensure that the house is emptied with care. We work respectfully and take into account the emotional value of the belongings. This offers relatives the opportunity to focus on the processing process, while the house clearance is handled in a professional manner. Clearing a house after a death is best outsourced so that you can focus on other important matters during this difficult period.
Evacuate a house efficiently and quickly
Clearing a house can be a time-consuming task, especially when you try to do it yourself. At ZSM Woningontruiming we have the right tools, the necessary experience and a team of experienced house clearers to carry out the clearance efficiently and quickly. We know how to work and can often do it within a short time. empty houseThis saves you as a surviving relative a lot of time and energy and the house will be empty before you even know it.
Delivery of the house in its original condition
When clearing a rental property, it is important that the house is delivered empty and in its original state. At ZSM Woningontruiming we ensure that the house is left broom clean, so that it is ready for the next tenant. We remove all carpeting, nails and any other items that do not belong in the house. By hiring ZSM Woningontruiming, you prevent any problems with the landlord and ensure that the house is left tidy. As you can see, there is a lot involved in clearing a house after a death.
Costs 2023 for emptying a house
The cost of clearing a house can vary and depends on several factors. One of the most important factors in calculating the cost of clearing a house is the size of the home. The larger the deceased’s home, the more time and manpower it takes to clear it, which often results in higher costs. The size of the contents also plays a role. If there are a lot of items in the old home that need to be removed, this can also increase the costs.
The process of clearing a house after a death
Step 1 – Request a free quote
The process of clearing a house often starts with requesting a free quote from a professional house clearer such as ZSM Woningontruiming. This gives you an idea of the costs and the possibilities. We usually come by to view the house before we make a quote. This way we can make an accurate estimate of the work that needs to be done. This way we can see what exactly is needed and we can draw up the costs for clearing for you in the free quote. Emptying a house requires various activities.
The more stuff, the higher the cost of house clearance. For example, we always look at the size of the house. For example, a house clearance for a larger house often costs more. There are often more activities that need to be carried out, which makes the costs higher. To save costs, you can of course also help clear the house. However, clearing after a death is not only physically, but also mentally very difficult and it is very important to think carefully about whether you can handle it all. In this case, it is wise to leave the clearance of the house to professional clearers.
Step 2 – Planning and preparation
After approving the quote, we will work with you to schedule the house clearance. We will ensure that the clearance takes place on a suitable date and time. It is important to remove valuable personal belongings from the house prior to the clearance. This will prevent you from accidentally throwing away items that you want to keep. Is it a seriously polluted house? Then it is wise to discuss everything before the clearers start clearing the house. We are happy to help you with clearing after a death.
Step 3 – Professional evacuation
On the agreed day, we will come to your home with our team of specialists. We will start by emptying the home according to the agreements. We will ensure that all items are disposed of responsibly and that the home is left broom clean. Do you want to empty the house in the short term after a move or death and is it therefore an emergency clearance? Then contact us by phone. This can be done on telephone number 0702116102.
Step 4 – Delivery of the home
After emptying the house, we will ensure that the house is delivered according to the landlord's requirements. We remove all carpeting, nails and other items that may not be left in the house. In this way, the house is prepared for the next tenant. Emptying a house and delivering it broom clean often costs a bit more. You can choose to deliver the house broom clean in addition to clearing it out.
Clearing a home after a death can be a challenging task. Fortunately, there are professional men from ZSM Woningontruiming who can help you clear the house. We offer discreet and respectful services, ensure an efficient and fast clearance and ensure that the home is returned in its original state. Would you like more information? For example about the costs of clearing a house? Then you can always call us on telephone number 0702116102.
Request a free quote
Would you like to receive a quote for clearing your home? Then request a free quote. This is completely without obligation and you are not committed to anything. By requesting a quote you will get a better idea of the costs and services we can offer you.
Do you have any questions or would you like advice before requesting a quote? Then you can always call us on 070-2116102. You can also send us an email at: info@zsm-woningontruiming.nl. We will then respond to your enquiry as soon as possible.
Help Center
Who is responsible for clearing a home after a death?
In de meeste gevallen zijn de nabestaanden verantwoordelijk voor het ontruimen van de woning na een overlijden. Zij kunnen ervoor kiezen om een professioneel evacuation company in te schakelen om deze taak uit te voeren. Ben u officieel een erfgenaam? Dan bent u verantwoordelijk voor het leeghalen van de woning. Wanneer iemand overlijdt moet er ook bepaald worden wat er met de inboedel gebeurt. Denk daarom altijd eerst goed na wat u met de spullen uit de woning wilt doen. Heeft u er de kracht niet voor om de ontruiming zelf uit te voeren? Schakel de hulp in van ZSM Woningontruiming wanneer het huis ontruimt moet worden en wij zullen de woning schoon en netjes voor u opleveren. Zo is de woning snel in orde.
What happens to the contents during a house clearance?
Tijdens een woningontruiming wordt de inboedel zorgvuldig gesorteerd. Waardevolle persoonlijke bezittingen kunnen door de nabestaanden worden behouden, terwijl de rest van de inboedel op een verantwoorde manier wordt afgevoerd. Weg te gooien spullen zullen wij netjes afleveren bij de daarvoor bestemde afvalpunten. Wilt u een deel van de inboedel doneren? Dan kunnen wij u hier ook bij helpen. Uw huis laten leeghalen is nog nooit zo makkelijk geweest en wij zullen de woning binnen zeer korte tijd voor u ontruimen.
How can I save on the costs of house clearance?
You may consider carrying out certain tasks yourself to reduce costs. The more the clearers have to do, the higher the costs will be. For example, you can choose to have the house cleared only and to carry out the broom-clean delivery yourself. However, in this case, repairs always have to be carried out, which is quite a job. Furthermore, the costs of a clearance also depend on the size of the house. Do you not have time to carry out the clearance yourself or does the clearance require complex work? Then call in the help of ZSM Woningontruiming. We are happy to help you.
Can I do the house clearance myself?
Yes, you can choose to carry out the house clearance yourself. However, it is a difficult and time-consuming task, especially during a period of mourning. Hiring ZSM House Clearance offers you convenience, efficiency and peace of mind. With us, you know in advance what the clearance will cost. We will neatly draw up a quote for you for the costs of a clearance. Any additional costs will always be discussed with you.
How long does the house clearance process take?
The duration of the process of a house clearance depends on the size of the house and the contents. For example, is it a single-family home or a senior citizen's room that needs to be cleared? As you can see, the type of house obviously has a big influence on the costs. Do you want to know what the costs of a house clearance are? Request a free and non-binding quote for clearing a house. ZSM House Clearance is always ready for you.