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Emptying contents after death

The death of a loved one is an emotional and difficult time. In addition to processing the loss, there is often a lot to arrange, including emptying the contents of the deceased's home. Clearing a home after a death can be a complicated process, with costs and logistics playing a role. In this article, we will delve deeper into a emptying the house after death, the costs involved and how it works. ZSM House Clearance happy to help you.

What is a home clearance after death?

A home clearance after death means that the deceased's house is emptied. The fact is that the house must be delivered empty. This includes removing the contents, cleaning the home and leaving the property in good condition. A professional is usually used to clear out the house evacuation company such as ZSM Woningontruiming to carry out these tasks, so that the relatives are relieved during this difficult period. Clearing out a house has never been easier. 

Why does a house have to be emptied after death?

Emptying a house after death is necessary for several reasons. Firstly, the deceased's home can be sold or rented, and it is important to offer the home in good condition to potential buyers or tenants. In addition, the house may also contain property desired by the surviving relatives, such as personal belongings or valuables. Clearing the house offers the opportunity to distribute these items in a respectful manner. You can leave the evacuation of your home to ZSM Woningontruiming with confidence. With ZSM House Clearance you do not have to waste time and energy emptying the house, because the house clearance is carefully carried out by our professionals.

The process of clearing a house after death

The process of emptying a home after death usually takes place in several steps:

Inventory and planning

Evacuation after a death is very difficult. ZSM Woningontruiming will inspect the home together with the surviving relatives and make an inventory of the contents. This determines which items should be kept, which will be distributed among heirs and which can be disposed of. Clearing a house after a death is a delicate matter that we would be happy to assist with.

Removal of contents

Na inspectie van de woning kan het daadwerkelijk leeghalen van de woning beginnen. ZSM Woningontruiming zal zorgvuldig alle spullen verwijderen en deze op de juiste manier afvoeren. Waardevolle bezittingen worden apart gehouden en overgedragen aan de nabestaanden. Uw huis laten leeghalen is nog nooit zo makkelijk geweest. Wanneer het huis leeg is zal er ook een last van uw schouders vallen.

Cleaning and repairing

After the contents have been removed, the house is thoroughly cleaned. Any damage will be repaired so that the home is ready for the next phase, such as sale or rental. How long this takes obviously depends on the size of the house and exactly what kind of work needs to be carried out. For example, a home clearance after death costs more or less than it costs for someone else. This not only has to do with the work that needs to be carried out, but also with the condition of the house and its size. 

Completion of the property

Is de woning leeg? Dan kan de woning opgeleverd  worden aan de verantwoordelijke partij, zoals een broker of verhuurder. De woning is nu klaar voor een nieuwe bewoner.

Costs in 2023 for emptying a house after death

The costs of clearing a house after death can vary depending on several factors. The size of the home and the size of the contents play a role in this. In general, the larger the home and the more items there are, the higher the costs will be. In addition, additional costs, such as waste processing and cleaning, can also influence the total price. Do you want to know what the evacuation will cost? Then you can now request a quote from us. You will receive this free and non-binding quote as soon as possible. 

Save on emptying your house after death costs

There are some ways in which surviving relatives can save on the costs of clearing a home after death. Performing certain tasks yourself, such as removing personal belongings, can save costs. Clearing a house is difficult enough and we understand that you would like to do a number of things yourself to save costs. However, it is often easier to have it emptied after a death by professionals and you decide for yourself what happens to the contents.


Clearing a house after a death is an important task that must be carried out carefully. The heirs are responsible for clearing the house and they must ensure that the house is empty upon delivery. However, this does not mean that they have to do this themselves. There is a lot of sadness after the death of a family member and we understand that people increasingly choose to outsource this. By hiring Home Clearance ASAP we can help you control costs and make the process run smoothly. We will clear the home and will do this in a respectful and efficient manner. This way, relatives can focus on processing the loss and handling other matters.

Request a free quote

Would you like to receive a quote for clearing your home? Then request a free quote. This is completely without obligation and you are not committed to anything. By requesting a quote you will get a better idea of the costs and services we can offer you.

Do you have any questions or would you like advice before requesting a quote? Then you can always call us on 070-2116102. You can also send us an email at: We will then respond to your enquiry as soon as possible.

Help Center

Who is responsible for emptying a house after death?

The heirs are responsible for clearing out a house after death. The fact that the heirs are responsible for emptying a house after a death does not of course mean that they have to do it themselves. There is a lot to consider after the death of a loved one. Clearing out the home is therefore increasingly outsourced to professional craftsmen such as ZSM Woningontruiming.

What happens to the contents after a home is emptied after death?

The contents can be divided among the heirs, sold or disposed of. As you have read before, the heirs are responsible for clearing out the house and they will usually look at the value of the contents together. Part of the contents is usually divided and part donated. Dividing the estate is often discussed among surviving relatives themselves. When clearing out a home, it often happens that items from the deceased's home have to be removed, which can increase the costs because this of course also affects the costs of clearing a house.

Can I get a free quote for clearing a house after a death?

Of course! Are you curious about the costs? Then you can request a free 'house emptying costs' quote from us. This is also completely without obligation. Request your quote and receive your free quote in your mailbox. 

How does size affect the cost of clearing the house? 

In general, the larger the house, the higher the costs will be. Clearing a larger house naturally requires more work. When clearing out a larger home, the costs are therefore higher. You can also save on clearing costs by clearing your home in exchange for the contents. It is best to contact us by telephone for this. This can be done on telephone number 0702116102.

What happens to valuables in the deceased's home? 

Emptying a home after death often means that there are many valuable items. You decide what to do with the items after evacuation. Valuables are kept separate and handed over to the surviving relatives. We always empty a home after a death or vacate a senior room on the conditions of the surviving relatives.