When you have to leave your home sweeping clean, this can cause a lot of stress. What exactly is expected of you? And what should you think about? In this article we delve deeper into the subject of 'home swept clean' and we will give you some useful tips for sweeping your home.
What is broom clean delivery?
Broom-clean delivery means that the home must be left empty and clean upon transfer. This does not always involve a major cleaning, but in some cases only a basic cleaning in which the home is left tidy for the new residents. Do you have to leave the house broom clean? Sometimes there is more to it than just leaving the house clean.
Would you like to have your house delivered broom clean?
Don't have the time or desire to clean the house yourself? Then you can outsource this. At ZSM House clearance We specialize in delivering broom-clean homes. We ensure that everything is clean from head to toe for the new residents. A broom-clean delivery requires much more than just leaving the home clean and tidy.
Practical examples
Let's look at a practical example. Suppose you have sold your old home and are moving to a new home. The lease on your old home still runs for another week, but you naturally want to move to your new home as quickly as possible. In this case, it may be useful to outsource the sweeping delivery, so that you can focus on the move itself.
What do you take with you and what do you leave behind?
When a home is swept clean, you must take all personal belongings with you. This includes furniture, clothing and other personal belongings. What you can sometimes leave behind are the floors, curtains and lamps. These sometimes belong to the home and in this case may remain hanging. Always check the rental contract and look at agreements made with the buyers/landlord to see exactly what is expected of you. In rental properties, we often have to leave the old home broom clean. In this case, we will often have to remove the floors, curtains and lamps so that the house can be delivered clean without any problems.
We know what exactly a broom-clean delivery is
Do you have a home and do you need to leave it broom clean? Then this is no problem for the professional gentlemen of ZSM Woningontruiming. We know exactly what the definition of a broom-clean delivery is and we are happy to take care of this for you. With ZSM Home Clearance, it is easy to arrange your home's sweeping cleanliness.
House clearance costs 2023
How much does broom-clean delivery actually cost? This is a frequently asked question and the answer depends on a number of factors. Will you do it yourself or outsource it? And how big is the house? On average, the costs for delivering a home broom-clean are between €150 and €450. However, getting your house swept clean and how much this costs mainly depends on various factors.
The exact costs of a house clearance
We also have to look at how big the house is, the size of the contents and of course we also look at the condition of the house. This way we can determine how many evacuators are needed and we will prepare a customized quote for you free of charge. Delivering your home sweepingly clean has never been easier!
Request a free quote
Would you like to know exactly what the delivery of your owner-occupied or rental home will cost you? Then you can always request a free quote from ZSM Woningontruiming. Delivery of a rental property may differ from delivery of an owner-occupied home because different rules often apply to an owner-occupied home. It may also differ per landlord when the home is ready for delivery. So this needs to be looked at carefully.
ZSM Woningontruiming can help you deliver the home
Een woning bezemschoon opleveren is een belangrijk onderdeel van de overdracht. Zorg ervoor dat u precies weet wat er van u wordt verwacht en maak duidelijke afspraken met de verhuurder of de kopers. Zo komt u niet voor onaangename verrassingen te staan en kunt u met een gerust hart verhuizen naar uw nieuwe woning. Als professioneel evacuation company weten we bij ZSM Woningontruiming precies wat er nodig is voor het schoonmaken van de woning en kunnen wij deze ook netjes in originele staat voor u opleveren. Op deze manier hoeft u zich dus ook geen zorgen meer te maken om het huis netjes over te dragen en zullen wij alles voor u regelen.
Request a free quote
Would you like to receive a quote for clearing your home? Then request a free quote. This is completely without obligation and you are not committed to anything. By requesting a quote you will get a better idea of the costs and services we can offer you.
Do you have any questions or would you like advice before requesting a quote? Then you can always call us on 070-2116102. You can also send us an email at: info@zsm-woningontruiming.nl. We will then respond to your enquiry as soon as possible.
Help Center
We receive many questions regarding leaving a house broom clean and leaving a house neat and clean, which is why we have answered some of the most frequently asked questions for you in this article.
What happens if I do not leave the house broom clean?
If you do not leave the house broom clean, this may have consequences. The landlord or buyers can then deduct an amount from the deposit or the agreed sales price. In some cases a fine may even be imposed. They will also charge the necessary costs for removing the items. However, this of course also has to do with whether it concerns a rental or owner-occupied home.
Do I also have to clean the floors?
Yes, the floors need to be cleaned too. This involves removing dust and dirt. There is no need to scrub or scrub the floors. Do you have to leave your house clean and bare?