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Reject inheritance and empty house

When a loved one dies, in addition to the grief, an inheritance often comes into play. However, in some cases you may want to reject the inheritance. What does rejecting an inheritance entail and what are the consequences? Perhaps it would be better if you accepted the inheritance? In addition, it is important to know how to empty the deceased's house. In this article we discuss everything you need to know about accepting or rejecting an inheritance and clearing out a house.

What does it mean to reject an inheritance?

When someone dies, he or she leaves behind a legacy. This estate consists of all assets and debts of the deceased. As an heir, you in principle have the right to accept this inheritance. However, there are situations in which you would prefer to give up the inheritance. This is called rejecting the inheritance. By rejecting an inheritance, you indicate that you do not want to have a claim on the assets, but also do not want to be responsible for any debts of the deceased.

The consequences of rejecting an inheritance

Disclaiming an inheritance has some consequences. First, you are no longer liable for the deceased's debts. This means that creditors cannot claim your ability to pay off the debts. You will also not receive any inheritance from the estate. On the other hand, you do lose any rights you may have had as an heir, such as the right to valuables or important documents.

Clearing the house of the deceased

After rejecting an inheritance, it is important to empty the deceased's house. Emptying a house after death is also called house clearance. After all, the house must become available again for the landlord or for any new residents. In addition, valuables and important documents may be present in the house that need to be distributed among the heirs or other rightful owners.

Wanneer u een professioneel evacuation company zoals ZSM House Clearance clear agreements are made in advance about the deceased person's belongings. You decide for yourself what should be done with these items.

Why would you want to reject an inheritance?

There are several reasons why you may choose to disclaim an inheritance. Perhaps there was no contact with the deceased for years and you no longer feel an emotional connection. In addition, there may be financial reasons for rejecting an inheritance, for example when there are many debts and the deceased's assets are insufficient. It may also be that, as an heir, you do not need the responsibilities that come with handling the estate. Never simply reject an inheritance and always think about it carefully first.

How does the process of disclaiming an inheritance work?

Rejecting an inheritance is an official act. you can do this at the court by means of a statement. It is important to know that you can only reject an inheritance before you have accepted it. Once you perform actions that indicate pure acceptance, such as selling property from the estate, you are no longer entitled to reject the inheritance.

The possibilities after rejecting an inheritance

Rejecting an inheritance doesn't mean you're completely sidelined. For example, you can choose to accept the inheritance beneficially. This means that you are only entitled to the assets from the inheritance if they exceed the debts. This way you avoid becoming responsible for the debts of the deceased.

The importance of emptying a house after death

Emptying a house after death is an important step in settling an estate. First, a large number of items and small personal belongings often have to be divided among the heirs. In addition, the house can be rented or sold, making it available again to new residents. It is also important to secure valuables and important documents.

What happens if a house is not emptied?

If a house is not emptied after death, this can lead to problems. First, the landlord can insist on eviction, especially if there is a lease that ends upon the tenant's death. In addition, valuable items may be left behind in the house, which may fall prey to theft or decay. Emptying a house can also be part of the settlement of the estate, and failure to empty it can lead to delays.

The importance of home clearance after death

A home clearance after death is essential to make the house available again for new residents. This could be a tenant or someone who wants to buy the house. In addition, a home clearance ensures that the deceased's personal belongings are properly distributed. It is important to proceed with care and show respect for the valuable memories that may be present in the house.

Emptying a house after death

The emptying a house after death can be a major task. It is advisable to seek help from professionals who have experience with home clearance. At ZSM Woningontruiming we can help you sort your belongings, secure valuable items and remove other household effects. It is important to approach this process carefully and efficiently, which is why we are happy to take care of this for you. The period surrounding the death of a loved one is difficult enough. Consider, for example, the funeral, which can be very emotionally difficult. 

Do you want to know what an evacuation costs? Then you can always request a free quote from us.

Tips for clearing a house after death

The following tips may be useful when emptying a house after death:

  1. Draw up a plan of action and make a list of tasks that need to be accomplished.
  2. Start by sorting the items into different categories, such as valuables, personal belongings and other household effects.
  3. Involve other heirs in the process so that the tasks can be divided and everyone can contribute.
  4. Use professional help, such as a house clearance company, to make the process efficient.
  5. Take the time to say goodbye to valuable memories and ensure that the estate is handled respectfully.

The role of heirs in rejecting and emptying the home

Heirs play an important role in both the rejection of an inheritance and the emptying of a house after death. It is important to know who the heirs are, as they are entitled to the assets from the estate. In addition, heirs are also responsible for emptying the house and dividing the belongings among themselves. It is advisable to work well together and, if necessary, seek professional help to ensure that this process runs smoothly.

Who are the heirs?

In most cases, the spouse or registered partner and blood relatives of the deceased are considered heirs. In some cases, however, there may be a will in which specific heirs are named. It is important to reject or accept the inheritance according to the legal rules and any testamentary provisions.

The responsibilities of heirs when emptying a house

Heirs have the responsibility of clearing out the deceased's home and distributing the belongings. This can be an emotional and time-consuming process. It is important to treat valuables and memories with respect. In addition, heirs can choose to work with professional evictionists to make the process efficient and professional.

Working with professionals when clearing out a house

Clearing out a house after a death can be a complex task. It is therefore wise to work with professionals who have experience in this field. A house clearance company can help you sort, pack and dispose of the contents. They can also safeguard valuable items and ensure respectful handling of the estate.


Disclaiming an inheritance and emptying a house after death are important steps in handling an estate. By disclaiming an inheritance, you can waive liability for the deceased tenant's debts. You are also no longer responsible for the belongings of the deceased tenant. Clearing a home is essential to make it available for rent or sale again, and to distribute personal belongings in a respectful manner. It is advisable to work together with professionals to ensure that the process runs efficiently and carefully.

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Would you like to receive a quote for clearing the house? Then request a free quote. This is completely without obligation and you are not committed to anything. By requesting a quote you will get a better idea of the costs and services we can offer you.

Do you have any questions or would you like advice before requesting a quote? Then you can always call us on 070-2116102. You can also send us an email at: We will then respond to your enquiry as soon as possible.

Help Center

Can you repudiate the estate and still clear out the house?

Yes, disclaiming the inheritance does not automatically mean that you cannot empty the house. As an heir, you can take responsibility for clearing out the house, even if you have rejected the inheritance.

Who is responsible for clearing the house immediately after the death?

The heirs are generally responsible for clearing the house immediately after death. They must decide how the contents are distributed and ensure timely home clearance.

Are you liable for the deceased's debts if you accept the inheritance beneficially?

No, if you accept the inheritance beneficially, you are not personally liable for the debts of the deceased. You are only entitled to the assets from the inheritance if they exceed the debts.

How long does it usually take for a house to be emptied after a death?

Emptying a house after death can vary in time. It depends on various factors, such as the size of the contents and the cooperation between heirs. In most cases, it takes several months for a house to be completely cleared.

What are the additional costs when emptying a home after death?

The additional costs of emptying a home after death may vary. This may involve costs for renting a waste container, hiring a house clearance company or removing the contents. It is wise to take this into account when planning the house clearance.