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Emptying house after death

Clearing house after death

When a loved one dies, a lot has to be arranged. One of the things that is often overlooked is clearing out the deceased's home. This can be an emotional and difficult task, especially if you are responsible for it and you have valuable memories of the deceased person. At ZSM Woningontruiming we very much understand this. That is why on this page you can find the right information about clearing out the house after death and how you can make this process go as smoothly as possible.

Empty the house before a certain date

After the death of a resident of a rental home, it is often necessary to evacuate as quickly as possible. The requirements of the landlord or housing development must also be taken into account. Upon delivery, the home must be empty, broom clean and in its original condition. Special work must be carried out for this. You can think of this, for example removing carpeting or painting the walls.

Evacuate an owner-occupied home

A home for sale must be prepared for sale as quickly as possible. The fact is that as long as the house is not sold, the legal heir has to pay for the costs and you naturally want to avoid this.

Clearing house after death: who is responsible?

Who is responsible for clearing the house? If you are responsible for clearing the deceased's home, it is important to know what your rights and obligations are. In the Netherlands, the executor is testamentarily responsible for handling the estate. If no executor has been appointed, the surviving spouse or registered partner is responsible. If there is no spouse or registered partner, the heirs are responsible. It is important to investigate and arrange this properly to avoid problems.

Consultation with the heirs

If you are not the only heir, it is important to consult with the other heirs about clearing out the house and its contents. There may be valuable items that everyone would like to have. In that case, it is wise to make agreements about this and put them in writing. This will prevent disagreements from arising later.

How does emptying a house after death work?

Clearing out a house can be a big job. Especially when it comes to a house with a lot of stuff or a house that has not been properly maintained. In that case, it may be wise to hire a professional company. This can save you a lot of time and effort. Please note that there are costs involved. You can find the working method at ZSM further on this page. Want to clear out a house as quickly as possible?

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  3. Schedule delivery

Request a no-obligation quote

Would you like to have your property cleared or do you have questions and would like some more information? Then feel free to contact us. You can do so by filling in our contact form or calling us at 070-2116102. You can also email us at: We will then respond to your enquiry as soon as possible.

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Emptying the house after death costs

Evictions after death sometimes cost a bit. The total costs depend on various factors. Yes, it is always a labor-intensive job, but other factors also influence the price. For example, furnishings or the type of home play a major role. Is it a small or large house? Additional costs for the extra work must also be considered. This makes it impossible to give an estimate of the average price. Would you like to receive an exact price? Then request a quote without obligation from ZSM Woningontruiming.

Save on costs house clearance? With the right planning and good agreements you can save up to 40% on clearing a home.

Step-by-step plan for emptying the house after death

During times of grief, decluttering a home can seem like an overwhelming task. After the loss of a loved one, it can be difficult to know where to start and how to move forward. We understand the challenges and emotions involved and would like to share our expertise to help you clear the house after a death.

1. Make a plan

It's important to make a plan before you start cleaning up. Make a list of the rooms that need cleaning and determine which items need to be thrown away, sold or kept. Take the wishes of the deceased and any heirs into account.

2. Start with the most difficult room

It is often difficult to know where to start cleaning up. Start with the room you find most difficult to clean, as it can be the most emotionally charged. This way you can tackle the most difficult part of the process while you are still mentally fresh and strong.

3. Sort the items

Sort all the items in the room into three piles: items to throw away, valuables to sell, and items to keep. Be systematic and always keep your plan in mind.

4. Keep precious things that have value

If you find precious items that have value, such as jewelry, antiques or other valuable objects, keep them separately and discuss with the heirs what happens to the contents.

5. Be realistic

Be realistic about what you can do and don't become overwhelmed by the task. If you feel like you can't figure it out on your own, ask for help from family or friends.

6. Rent a storage space

If you don't have enough space to store things, consider renting a storage unit. This can help you free up space in the house and store items safely until you decide what to do with them.

7. Hire a professional

If you really can't figure it out on your own, call in a professional to help you clean up the house. They have experience with these types of situations and can help you with every step of the process, saving you a lot of stress.

We understand that cleaning up a home after a death can be an emotional and challenging task. We hope that these steps can help you tackle this task and help you find peace and quiet during this difficult time.

A short summary

Clearing out a house after a death can be a difficult and emotional task. It is important to think about this carefully and make the process go as smoothly as possible. It is important to take into account the responsibilities of the executor of the will or the surviving spouse or registered partner. It may also be wise to hire a professional company or ask for help from friends and family. By following the tips in this article, you can make the process of clearing out the house as smooth as possible.

Get free quotes from ZSM

Do you have to leave a house empty due to circumstances? A professional company can clear the house and they often do this at competitive rates.

For a precise price indication for emptying a house after death, you can now request a free quote from ZSM Woningontruiming. This service is completely without obligation. You can submit the application online by completing our handy form. We will then respond to the quote request after 6 hours with a customized quote. Schedule a house clearance immediately or would you like to reserve a date in advance? Please contact us to make an appointment or more information via: 070-2116102.

Help Center

Who is responsible for clearing the house after death?

In the Netherlands, the executor is testamentarily responsible for handling the estate. If no executor has been appointed, the surviving spouse or registered partner is responsible.

Can I empty the house myself after death?

Yes, it is possible to empty the house yourself. However, this can take a lot of time and effort, especially if it is a large house or a house with a lot of stuff.

What happens to the items in the deceased's home?

This depends on the wishes of the heirs. Items can be sold, given away, kept or thrown away. The deceased person has often recorded in a will what the blood relatives will inherit.