Tile floor removal
Have the tile floor removed

Removing a tile floor is a labor-intensive and time-consuming job. Breaking and removing the tiles requires a lot of strength and perseverance. This is because tiles are heavy and are always glued to the subfloor. A good reason to outsource this type of work. ZSM Woningontruiming is the specialist in removing your tile floor. We have the right expertise and materials to remove your floor with the least possible risk of damaging the subfloor.
Why choose ZSM
- VCA certified
- Free no-obligation quote
- Available at short notice for emergencies
- 5-star rating and 100% recommended by our clients
- Your home or room always delivered spotlessly clean
Would you like to have your tile floor removed by a professional? If so, please feel free to contact us. You can do so by contacting us contact form fill in or call 070-2116102. You can also give us a Send mail via: info@zsm-woningontruiming.nl. We will then contact you as soon as possible.
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Do you have any questions or need help completing? Then feel free to contact us! We will be happy to help.
Call 070-2116102 or email:
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How do you remove a tile floor?
Een tegelvloer verwijder je het effectiefst met gebruik van een breekhamer. Met de juiste beitel zorg je ervoor dat je de tegels met beleid er stuk voor stuk uithakt/trilt. Na het verwijderen van de tegels kan het zijn dat er nog lijmresten aan de ondergrond vastzitten. Deze kun je verwijderen door nogmaals met een breekhamer en minder agressieve beitel de vloer na te lopen. Mocht je de lijmresten niet wegkrijgen of is de vloer teveel beschadigd dan kun je ervoor kiezen om de vloer te laten egaliseren of schuren.
Remove ceramic tile floor
A ceramic tile floor consists of a mix of sand and clay. These types of floor tiles are very popular and we therefore often encounter them. A ceramic tile floor is always glued to the subfloor. Removing a Ceramic tile floor requires good tools and perseverance. The ceramic tiles can not only be securely fixed, but are also heavy in weight. A floor of approximately 50 m2 can easily weigh around 1000 kilos.

Remove natural stone tile floor
A natural stone tile floor already tells you what it consists of. Stone from nature. Natural stone tiles are extracted from various quarries around the world. These tiles are glued to the subfloor using a cement mortar. Removing natural stone tiles is therefore a tough job. The weight of the stones is high, so it requires some effort to remove the floor.
Remove travertine tile floor
A travertine tile floor, like all other types of tile floors, is best removed with a demolition hammer. These types of tiles mainly consist of lime. Travertine has a coarse structure and shows small holes. Travertine tiles can be used both indoors and outdoors. See below a before and after photo of a door ZSM House Clearance removed travertine tile floor.

Remove tiled floor
A tile remove floor can be difficult. Because flagstones are much thinner than other types of tiles, they tend to break more quickly. Removing these floors may take a little longer because the tiles will not come off completely. Unlike other types of floor tiles, tiles are much lighter in weight. Moving and disposing of the floor once it has been removed will therefore be a little easier.

Costs to remove tile floor
Work | Price: |
Tile floor removal | €13 to €18 per m2 |
waste costs up to 100 m2 | €160 |
Level the floor after removing the tile floor
Het komt vaak voor dat na het verwijderen van een tegelvloer de vloer geëgaliseerd dient te worden. Dit kan zijn doordat de vloer teveel beschadigd is en deze glad moet zijn voor de nieuwe vloer of voor het in frezen ter voorbereiding voor vloerverwarming. Doordat tegelvloeren vaak worden gelijmd met cementspecie zorgt dit ervoor dat de lijm zich bindt met de ondergrond. Tijdens het verwijderen van de vloer kan de lijm dus vast blijven zitten of juist stukken van de vloer meetrekken. Egaliseren zorgt ervoor dat uw vloer weer sterk en mooi egaal wordt.

removing tile floor with underfloor heating
A tiled floor with underfloor heating must be removed with extra care. The underfloor heating pipes can be located up to a few millimeters under the floor. Using a demolition hammer incorrectly can lead to cutting too deep into the floor with the chisel, which can cause damaged water pipes. The consequences of this can be very serious. We therefore definitely recommend having these types of floors removed by a specialized company such as ZSM Woningontruiming.
Have the tile floor removed by ZSM Woningontruiming
Do you want to be sure that your tile floor is removed professionally without unnecessary damage? ZSM House Clearance has the right expertise and materials to return any floor to bare rock. For more information, please call or email by clicking one of the buttons below.
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Frequently asked questions:
How much does it cost to remove a tile floor?
Removing a tile floor costs average between €13 and €18 per square meter. These costs do not include the removal of the waste. The waste costs are €160 up to an area of 100 m2.
How long does it take to remove tiles?
On average, we can remove a tile floor of up to 100m2 in one day. We are available at short notice to remove tile floors.
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